Hazel Stewart
Innovate Learn helps you to achieve your business goals through your people. We work with you to understand your business problems, objectives and goals, and help you to identify what your employees need to support your business strategy. We then provide you with a carefully tailored performance improvement solution.
We deliver world-class programs
Innovate Learn is an Australian company based in Melbourne. We offer a unique combination of local expertise and research-based Best Practice solutions from Wilson Learning Worldwide.
We can also build learning programs and develop initiatives that incorporate your intellectual property to address unique and specific issues.
At Innovate Learn, we bring 20+ years of business experience across a wide range of industries. We provide targeted solutions that support your strategic initiatives, create a productive and engaging work culture, and drive your business outcomes. Our programs are supported by best practice facilitation and coaching services.
...and measurable value
We offer the tools and expertise to measure the impact of our development initiatives on individual work performance and results.
We work closely with organisations to improve their workforce performance and drive positive change.
An experienced team
Innovate Learn supports you throughout your entire learning journey. Our consultants, project managers, facilitators and coaches closely collaborate with you to ensure you receive the best possible outcomes and return on investment.

Hazel is an experienced business leader, passionate about creating positive change to boost business success. Prior to founding Innovate Learn, Hazel was managing director at Wilson Learning Australia.
Hazel has worked with clients and customers both locally and regionally, helping people to reach their full potential and contribute to their company’s growth.
Innovate Learn helped Alerton break down silos and change our business culture. We now have more collaboration and a unified focus on the customer, to provide value at every touch point.
Trevor Owen, CEO, Alerton
Get in touch to discuss how we can help enable your team to achieve your business goals.